Environmental Monitoring at New G3 Terminal Project in North Vancouver

Construction Notice of Pile Installation beginning on August 16, 2017.
BC Marine Logistics will be on site at the new G3 Terminal project in North Vancouver over the coming months. The BCML crew will escort environmental monitoring teams contracted to monitor the impact of the new terminal on the marine environment. The construction team will begin pile installation on August 16, 2017. They anticipate that this work will continue through to February 2018. The following is a direct quote from the G3 Terminal’s website.
Where construction practices allow, the vibratory piling installation method will be used, which produces less noise than the full use of impact installation methods. For non-temporary piles, the impact piling installation method is necessary for the final stages of pile installation to develop the required bearing capacities.
Piles are needed to support foundations of some of the buildings, marine dock, and ship loading equipment, that will facilitate the movement of grain products from the incoming trains onto ships for export.
To protect the marine environment, we will use biodegradable hydraulic fluid in marine machinery, employ a bubble curtain during impact pile installation to reduce underwater sound levels, and will monitor for any marine mammal activity. As noise is expected with pile installation, we will be actively monitoring noise levels during the aforementioned activities to ensure that the sound they produce remains within predicted levels.