Our Services

Marine Safety & Emergency Response Plan
BCML will develop and implement a site specific, marine emergency response plan to fit your company's needs. This plan can include:
- the use of a highly specialized fast rescue boat and its crew to transport an injured worker(s) to the next level of care,
- emergency marine towing, or
- environmental emergencies and monitoring, etc.
All certified crew members are highly trained not only in marine operations, but in first aid, towing operations, and spill response.
The crew are trained to respond to emergencies that may involve:
- other passenger and/or crew boats,
- float planes,
- transport barges, and
- any other job related marine traffic

Site Safety
- BCML provides experienced personnel to oversee worksite contractors and activities.
- Using thorough due diligence, training and equipment; BCML implements safety procedures and practices in accordance with the client's own health and safety programs, as well as provincial guidelines and standards.
- A system of regular and effective reporting provides timely and clear records of site protocol and observations at any given time, in any given location.
Wildfire Mitigation
- BCML will ensure that an effective and complete wildfire response plan is in place for each contractor and that all necessary equipment and training are in place to fight fires.
- A BC Wildfire weather station can be installed on site so that current and relative data will be immediately available in order to determine fire danger class for the project.
Wildlife Conflict and Interaction
- BCML will provide training to each worker on how to work safely in areas where encounters with wildlife are possible.
- BCML will work closely with the environmental contractor to ensure that effective communication about wildlife interaction is being exchanged so that appropriate safety measures are being implemented.
Snow Safety and Avalanche Control
- BCML is able to provide all aspects of operational avalanche safety for construction activities.
- Specific duties would include avalanche risk assessments, development of an avalanche safety plan, avalanche safety training for workers, and avalanche forecasting and control as required.
Environmental Response
- Response time is critical when the environment is at risk.
- BCML responds quickly and effectively to a marine environmental incident and has equipment on site to do so.
- This service is designed to help minimize and contain the impact of environmental hazards until further resources arrive

Other Services
- BCML assists in the planning and implementation of a complete and effective communication plan for the worksite including two way radios, repeaters and satellite phones.
- One of the biggest hazards on a worksite in a remote location, spread over a large area, is that communication can be poor and ineffective. We can help.
- BCML assists with communication planning and system implementation to avoid this hazard.
Transportation of Personnel and Equipment
- BCML will provide a fully certified crew transport vessel capable of carrying 12 passengers or light cargo.
- This vessel also serves as a backup emergency transport vessel and will be operated by a fully qualified, professionally trained in first aid boat operator(s).
- The transport vessel is capable of transporting parts, supplies and other cargo to and from the jobsite.
- All our vessels are fully qualified to attend to marine emergencies like spills, towing, etc.
- BCML is prepared to provide larger vessels in response to client's needs if required.